Statement of Purpose

English Teacher of an Educational Institution 

To be a member of an educational institution as English teacher represents my ideal job so that I can develop at individual and professional levels as well as to encourage students to see English as a tool for the future. For this reason, I want a job where I can apply my knowledge in academic and educational fields so that I can focus on my area of study, use of English language and teaching methods, procedures, and planning. Moreover, I will contribute with innovative proposals for students’ language authentic practice and development of language. As I consider collaborative work enriching, I would like a job where I can show my creative thinking and share my ideas for teaching techniques or methodologies improvement hoping they can be taken into consideration. Additionally, a job where I can have peer-evaluation and critical and constructive feedback is one of my expectations. As a response, I will contribute to the institutional development as long as my area of study allows it but always open to learn. In the same way, I will be willing to take feedback and peer-evaluation as a learning source as well as respecting the opinions and suggestions from my colleagues and coworkers in any situation. I believe professional growth is essential, so I request a job which recognizes hard work, and where I have the opportunity to grow inside the institution and becoming a fundamental part of it. In this context, I will attend to lectures, courses, and seminars in order to keep me updated and extend my awareness about teaching to be more prepared and with the purpose of giving students the best possible learning experience. Furthermore, I seek for a job where I can perform as a teacher but also to support in other academic tasks. In that case, I will collaborate in the academic and recreational activities that the institution requires me. It would be valuable if I had opportunities to continue a master’s degree for personal and professional growing. For my part, I will take with responsibility the assigned tasks to be handed in time and form taking into consideration attendance and be punctual in my work schedule. In my opinion, cultural knowledge is always related to language learning, so I would appreciate a job which gives me the opportunity of traveling to enrich my cultural knowledge. Thus, I will bring to know teaching approaches and techniques as well as cultural aspects from others institutions since my experience when traveling abroad. To sum up, I will strive in order to be the best candidate for such job.


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