Formal e-mail

Re: Meeting for feedback

Dear Professor Benson,

I am writing to you to ask you for feedback about the paper that we were commenting about last Monday, September 20, 2015 after class. As I told you, I will use this paper to participate in the composition contest the academic department is organizing. I thank you for taking the time of providing me with ideas and solving my doubts about the writing process.

I would like to have a meeting for a feedback session in order to make improvements and changes, if necessary, to the paper. Let me know if next Thursday or Friday (September 24 or 25) would be convenient for you.

I have attached the document for you to check the first draft, and will send you the rubric that will be taken into consideration for evaluating the work.

I thank you for your attention, and I will wait for your answer.

Best regards,

Ana Gabriela Valles


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