
WRITING: How to write in English?

Writing in English is not as difficult as it seems, the key is to create coherent paragraphs with complete ideas following an amazing strategy. It is The MEAL Plan. The meal helps you to write paragraphs in a logic and organized way. A paragraph must have from 5 to 8 sentences in the structure of the MEAL Plan: M ain idea: Start talking about your topic. 

GRAMMAR: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs  Are a phrase (such as take off or look down on) that combines a  verb  with a preposition or adverb or both and that functions as a  verb  whose meaning is different from the combined meanings of the individual words. Find here more examples of phrasal verbs:  More Phrasal Verbs 

READING: Skimming & Scanning

Two important reading strategies that can be applied in your classroom and in tests are skimming and scanning . They are different and each one is used for different purposes, and they are not meant to be used all the time. People who know how to skim and scan are flexible readers. Check the next video: What is Skimming? Skimming is to read more in less time. You skim to look only for the general or main ideas, but your overall understanding is reduced because you don’t read everything. You read only what is important to your purpose. Skimming takes place while reading and allows you to look for details in addition to the main ideas. How to skim? You can skim by reading the first few paragraphs in detail, you will get a good idea of what information will be discussed. Once you know where the reading is headed, you can begin to read only the first sentence of each paragraph. Also called topic sentences, they give you the main idea of the paragraph. If you


By: José Guadalupe Ruvalcaba Calderón. Sandra Guadalupe Soria Martínez. Ana Gabriela Valles Rodríguez.  Proceso de división celular que produce dos células con el mismo número de cromosomas y contenido genético que la célula progenitora. Una célula diploide (46c) forma dos células diploides (46c). La condición normal de una célula normal de una célula somática es la  diploidía  (2n). FASES a)     Profase b)     Metafase c)      Anafase d)     Telofase I. PROFASE 1.      Condensación de cromatina y formación de cromosomas. 2.      Desorganización del nucléolo. 3.      Desintegración de la envoltura nuclear. 4.      Organización del huso mitótico a.      Microtúbulos polares b.      Microtúbulos del cinetocoro c.      Microtúbulos astrales II.METAFASE 1.      Ensamblaje de cinetocoros (complejo proteico que se ensambla a nivel del centrómero y fija a los cromosomas a los microtúbulos) en la zona del centrómero. 2.      Migración

Explicit Grammar Instruction in English Language Learning

" Grammar is a piano I play by ear. All I know about grammar is its power" – Joan Didion. The process of learning a language involves not only knowing about its culture or expressing ideas in that language, but also knowing about the form it is constructed, conformed, and used. The relevance of teaching grammar rules explicitly relies on achieving that students internalize and use the language later. Although grammar has long been taught it has, recently, been a matter of debate whether it is worth to teach for language development (Singh, 2011, p.56). English instructors debate about the utility of teaching grammar in English classes by providing students explicit rules and they expose their points of view about if it helps students to produce or if it is an impediment for learners to communicate in the target language. However, in order for students to achieve the competence in communication, grammar is highly helpful. In this context, teaching grammar in English classes le


Nocturnal Encounter The night behaves so cruel and made me fall, my nightmares mend the pain cannot be heard. I found my shelter cause you've come to call, my secret dreams come true, I feel you here. Your face, your breath, I see you sleep above, my eyes as doors completely closed have shown. Your heart of stone, I dream, I melt to love. My dream's the trip I take to you, I've flown. You're here! Me too, but soon a thief will come, his color clear, he steals our dreams to play. Deceit, not bliss 'cause dreams in view succumb. Awake! The lights transgress you've gone away. Abandonment! You left, "come here" I pray, I'll wait the night to meet you here astray. Photo attribution


Being alone to live  Might stop you from suffering  Forget about that,  Companion is wonderful!  Who´s alone cannot live well. Photo attribution